Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Frozen Yogurt - Facts about this new craze

What is Yogurt?
Yogurt is a cultured milk product, made by adding "good" bacteria to milk. These "friendly" cultures, L. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus, are what give yogurt its special properties. Similar to the making of beer or cheese, special organisms ferment and transform the milk sugar (lactose) into lactic acid, creating the distinctive flavor of yogurt. This process has been around for at least 4,000 years.

How Yogurt Benefits The Body
Many people eat yogurt for its health benefits, because yogurt is more than a delicious, nutritious food. The cultures in yogurt must be present in the intestinal tract of the human body to insure proper balance needed for digestion and good health. Yogurt with live, active cultures can:
• Help to overcome lactose intolerance
• Aid digestion of milk protein
• Help prevent and combat digestive tract infections

In recent research, other exciting effects have been observed and are currently being studied. They include:
• The possibility that yogurt can help boost the immune system
• An indication that yogurt may be useful in lowering serum cholesterol
• Yogurt's potential in the prevention and management of certain cancers
• Help to overcome lactose intolerance

In addition, yogurt is a good source of…
• Protein
• Calcium
• Potassium
• The vitamins B12 and Riboflavin

(from YoCream International website at

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